Potty Train Your Cat

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Submitted by: Jamesonal Buchanan
Cat Potty Training
You have a cat in your home. Cats are very adorable but no matter how much you love or adore them, sometimes can be very irritating. Unlike us, cats don’t know about where to pee or where to empty her tummy, she can do it where ever she feels like, even if it spoils your costly carpet or leaves the house looking like a mess. We are giving you some simple tips regarding basic training of your cat. This includes toilet/potty/litter box training.
Just like kids, cats are sensitive, never punish them or be cruel to them for their irritating behavior. This will just make the situation worse.
Reward your cat for the desired behavior. It will act as a positive reinforcement.You must not punish but you must reward the cat if she improves her behavior or follows what you want her to do.
Excessive Meowing
Meowing is an acquired behavior of the cat. Whenever pussy wants food, attention or affection, she meows.Usually cats make this sound to make you aware of the fact that she is hungry or she wants to play or in simpler words, she wants some attention. Over a period of time this becomes a self-reinforcing habit and later on cats meow just for the fun of it. The situation gets worsened when the cat is lonely or bored.
You can break this could be irritating habit simply by spending some time with your car. You can also use some toys, there are many available in the market.
Don’t pay attention to the pussy and give her anything when she is meowing. In fact ignore her completely whenever she does so. Fulfill her needs when she is quiet.
Night Watch Man/Cat
By nature cat is a nocturnal animal.If you find this behavior annoying, you have to change the biological clock of cat as per your needs.
This can be done again, by not entertaining her if she creates trouble at night, just let her learn a lesson.
Also don’t let her dream away to glory during the day. Keep her awake and very active all through out the day. This will make her sleepy at night and she will be sleeping like a baby. Usually this does not take more than 2 weeks.
Litter Box Training
In this, the way you train your cat from the time when she was a kitten is very crucial. As a kitten when you see her crouching or seeking a corner, just pick her up and rush to the litter box and put her there. Another excellent practice is to make her habituated of being in the litter box every morning.
The most important reason why a cat stops using litter box is that the litter box may not be clean.Make sure that you clean the litter box every day, and completely change all the litter and wash the box out at least once a week.
Don’t let her roam around in your home unless you are sure that she is well trained to use the litter box. Keep her confined to a small area.
As i told you earlier, cats love hygiene, they will never poop where they have their food, so the best way to teach her a lesson is to keep her food bowl at the exact place where she usually poops.
Don’t punish a cat after she had made the mistake. That will make the cat fearful of you. Scolding and then taking the cat to litter box after she has eliminated will make her to associate litter box with punishment.
Reward your cat for eliminating in the litter box. In order to do so you must be present there at the time when she eliminates. You need to have an idea when the cat urinates or defecates. Most cats eliminate after waking, eating and exercise.
Think of her like a kid, and follow a child’s psychology, be soft and pampering when required and be a little strict the other times. Just keep a balance and your cat will be disciplined in no time.
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